Thursday, May 14, 2009

Blog Assignment topic 5

Obscenity, pornography and indecency: What are the differences between these terms.

Definitions of Obscenity

Obscenity is a term that is most often used in a legal context to describe expressions (words, images, actions) that offend the prevalent sexual morality of the time. It is often replaced by the word salaciousness.

Definitions of pornography

Pornography is explit description of sexual subject matter for the purpose of sexually exciting the viewer. Pornography makes no claim to artistic merit, unlike erotica which does.

Definitons of indecency

Indecency is defined as the state or quality of being indecent; lack of modesty, taste, or propriety .

critical reflection

1.Obscenity is about lewdness, or offensiveness in behavior, expression, or appearance or even something, such as a word, act, or expression, that is indecent or lewd. Pornography is sexually explicit pictures, writing, or other material whose primary purpose is to cause sexual arousal while indecency is the state or quality of being unseemly or immodest.

2.Although Obscenity, pornography and indecency have different meaning , but they are all related to each other. It can be found through media such as television , internet and so on. These three things are widely being used on movies and books. But as i can see , media such as radio still cover up those kind of things by mute the sound . So everyone can think which is good and which is not. Lets do something so that the bad examples can't occured.

reflection on class

the class was short. there are only a briefing on a second assignment.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Blog Assignment topic 4

Media Literacy

What is Media Literacy and why is it important for you as FCM students to have it?

Definition of MEDIA LITERACY on the web :

-) Media literacy is the process of accessing, analyzing, evaluating and creating messages in a wide variety of media modes,
genres and forms. ...

-) The process of understanding and using the mass media in an assertive and non-passive way. This includes an informed and
critical understanding of the nature of the media, the techniques used by them and the impact of these techniques.

-) the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and produce communication and information in a variety of forms and means.

Critical Reflection

1)Media is a descriptive kind of forms of books , television , internet , magazine and many more while literacy means reading. so , media literacy is the ability sift through and analyze the messages that inform, entertain and sell to us every day. It's the ability to bring critical thinking skills to bear on all media— from music videos and Web environments to product placement in films and virtual displays on NHL hockey boards. It's about asking pertinent questions about what's there, and noticing what's not there. And it's the instinct to question what lies behind media productions— the motives, the money, the values and the ownership— and to be aware of how these factors influence content.

2.Three stages of media literacy.The first stage is simply becoming aware of the importance of managing one's media "diet"— that is, making choices and reducing the time spent with television, videos, electronic games, films and various print media forms.

The second stage is learning specific skills of critical viewing— learning to analyze and question what is in the frame, how it is constructed and what may have been left out. Skills of critical viewing are best learned through inquiry-based classes or interactive group activities, as well as from creating and producing one's own media messages.

The third stage goes behind the frame to explore deeper issues. Who produces the media we experience—and for what purpose? Who profits? Who loses? And who decides? This stage of social, political and economic analysis looks at how everyone in society makes meaning from our media experiences, and how the mass media drive our global consumer economy. This inquiry can sometimes set the stage for various media advocacy efforts to challenge or redress public policies or corporate practices.

Personal Reflection

Media Representation and Cultural Stereotypes are the topics that was been discussed in the MLC class this week. It is quite interesting topic. Media Representation show us how the media has an impact or effect on consumers. Without any creative kind of media, people may get bored easily or they just could care less about the message being presented .

Blog Assignment topic 3

Media Stereotype

Give a very short basic explanation of what media stereotype is? (Keep it short please!) From your personal experience, what other media stereotype (besides the example from the article) you have seen either on TV or in the movies?

Critical Reflection :

The article clearly explained about media stereotype. Media stereotype is one thing that always came accross to our mind. It is such a bad things as it may hurt not just one's feelings, but also anyone in this world. Media stereotype is used to introduce an idea , and when this idea meets an agreement, the stereotype is produced. Mostly , stereotype focused more on negative behavior in a society , thus it acts as a criticism to the particular society. This negative issue should not be brought up by anyone to fight against bad things that can lead us to negative thinking and underestimating other people.

From your personal experience, what other media stereotype (besides the example from the article) you have seen either on TV or in the movies?

I've been watching TV and Movie since i was kid. When i was a little , i never realised this stereotype phenomenon and i didnt have a clue what is stereoptype . Moreover, i never heard of stereotype before. As i grow up , i began to realised a lot of stereotype been potrayed in movies that i watched. I only know what is stereotype when the lecturer gave the topic to us. After searching some information of stereotype, i can see that the American's TV and movies always shows us that the Arabs are the bad ones. This is not just hurts the Arabs, but also hurts the Muslims. I realized that in most film, the director has a way to portray good character from the evil ones . For example , the witches are always meant to be the evil ones. But we need to think ligicaally , not all witches are bad. Last but not least, nowadays people easy to influences by those kind of media.

Personal Reflection :

There was no class due to Public Holiday, Maulidul Rasul

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Blog Assignment topic 2

Here is a comic strip entitled "Rumors, lies and innuendo spread far, wide, and fast on the Internet." taken from "Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture" by Stanley Baran, pg 324.

Do you often take what is on the Internet as truth without thinking much about it? If yes, why? If no, why? Discuss this in your own words.
the critical thinking on the media effects

First of all , i do admit that internet became one of our main source of information. Most of the students, including myself are not even bother to take an effort to go to the library , or bookstore to find an information that they need. The easiest way to find an information is on the internet. But, not all informations on the internet are true. There are a lot of websites that we can search. We can get the information in just one click. We can just "google" or "wiki" to search what we want. We also know that all the information on the internet cannot be trusted 100 percent. This is because, all the information provided are reliable. The information is based on the writer's opinion and the facts also can be change. Most of the article written on the unreliable blogs or websites are just to take the readers atention by creating a fake and controversial issues.

But, not all information on the websites are not true. There are several of websites can be trusted such as a news websites, CNN,BBC, The Star Online and many more. For example, last week i've tried to search on the topic of Gaza. There are some of the information are true but some of them are not. So, we as a human being, can think which is good and true, and which is not.

Tq :)
the reflection on the media culture class

This week class was conducted by Mr.Razi Bedu . He was elaborating about media effects and that media cannot be trusted 100 percent. This topic made me realise all these things. Before this, i don't even bother about the thing that we suppose to know for example about the topic given by the lecturer. This media culture class made my mind to wake up and think about those kind of issues. Back to the topic, sometimes, the news are not true because only based on the writer's opinion. Lastly, this topic is a good topic anyway :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009