Sunday, April 5, 2009

Blog Assignment topic 3

Media Stereotype

Give a very short basic explanation of what media stereotype is? (Keep it short please!) From your personal experience, what other media stereotype (besides the example from the article) you have seen either on TV or in the movies?

Critical Reflection :

The article clearly explained about media stereotype. Media stereotype is one thing that always came accross to our mind. It is such a bad things as it may hurt not just one's feelings, but also anyone in this world. Media stereotype is used to introduce an idea , and when this idea meets an agreement, the stereotype is produced. Mostly , stereotype focused more on negative behavior in a society , thus it acts as a criticism to the particular society. This negative issue should not be brought up by anyone to fight against bad things that can lead us to negative thinking and underestimating other people.

From your personal experience, what other media stereotype (besides the example from the article) you have seen either on TV or in the movies?

I've been watching TV and Movie since i was kid. When i was a little , i never realised this stereotype phenomenon and i didnt have a clue what is stereoptype . Moreover, i never heard of stereotype before. As i grow up , i began to realised a lot of stereotype been potrayed in movies that i watched. I only know what is stereotype when the lecturer gave the topic to us. After searching some information of stereotype, i can see that the American's TV and movies always shows us that the Arabs are the bad ones. This is not just hurts the Arabs, but also hurts the Muslims. I realized that in most film, the director has a way to portray good character from the evil ones . For example , the witches are always meant to be the evil ones. But we need to think ligicaally , not all witches are bad. Last but not least, nowadays people easy to influences by those kind of media.

Personal Reflection :

There was no class due to Public Holiday, Maulidul Rasul

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